Make Versus Buy: Sauerkraut

This is the next post in my ‘Make versus Buy’ series where I share the cost difference of making versus buying your favourite store bought items, plus a recipe for you to DIY.

Today I’m looking at sauerkraut - one of my favourite fermented foods to have in the fridge.

The one I’ve chosen to price compare is the Kehoes Kitchen brand which is readily available at most supermarkets and is a great quality and tasting sauerkraut.

It costs $13 to buy a 410g jar of this whereas making my own version cost $8.70 for a large batch. This worked out at $2.17 for a 410g jar.

This swap works out as almost 6 times cheaper to make your own and is way easier to make than you think.

A few things to note: produce was purchased from my local fruit and veggie shop and was not organic. Prices will vary depending on where you purchase your produce and if organic or not. Cabbages get cheaper over the winter months when they are in season.

If you prefer more detailed instructions, see my post on Seven Steps to Successful Sauerkraut here that also has links to some more recipes.

I hope you found this useful!

Let me know in the comments if you have any sauerkraut questions or if you have any requests for my next ‘Make versus Buy’ post.


Make Versus Buy: Cashew Cream Cheese


Make Versus Buy: Seaweed Snacks